Přehled nabízených produktů'); ?> Katalog úprav"; if($result['childs']=='0') { $nadpis_contentu.="

Motorizace vozidla ".$result2['name']." ".$result['sign']."

"; $image = '../images/modely/'.sprintf("%04s", $result['id']).'.jpg'; if(file_exists($image)) { $imageList = '
'; } $vybrano_vozidlo=$result['id']; if(isset($_GET['motor'])) { if(isset($_GET['setup'])) { $query = mysql_query("select * from `$name_table` where `id`='{$_GET['setup']}'"); $result3 = mysql_fetch_array($query); $nadpis_contentu = "

".$result3['name']." [Úprava z katalogu]

"; } else { $nadpis_contentu="

Úpravy vozidla ".$result2['name']." ".$result['sign']."

"; $query = mysql_query("select `code_sign`,`power_kw`,`id` from `car_engine` where `id`='{$_GET['motor']}'"); $result3 = mysql_fetch_array($query); $nadpis_contentu.="

".$result3['code_sign']." (".$result3['power_kw']." kW)

"; $sel_motor=$result3['code_sign']; } $vybran_motor=$_GET['motor']; } } elseif(isset($_GET['model']) && !isset($_GET['sub'])) { $nadpis_contentu.="

Verze vozidla ".$result2['name']." ".$model."

"; $iquery = mysql_query("select * from `car_model` where `id_parent`='{$_GET['model']}' order by `date_start` ASC, `sign` asc"); $imageList = '
'; } elseif(isset($_GET['sub'])) { $query = mysql_query("select * from `car_model` where `id`='{$_GET['sub']}'"); $result = mysql_fetch_array($query);$car_model=$result['sign']; $nadpis_contentu.="

Motorizace vozidla ".$result2['name']." ".$model." ".$result['sign']."

"; $vybrano_vozidlo=$result['id']; $image = '../images/modely/'.sprintf("%04s", $result['id']).'.jpg'; if(file_exists($image)) { $imageList = '
'; } if(isset($_GET['motor'])) { $query_setup = mysql_query("select `id` from `".$lang_prefix."_types_set_ups` order by `poz` asc"); list($default_setup) = mysql_fetch_array($query_setup); if($_GET['setup'] > 0) $default_setup = $_GET['setup']; $query = mysql_query("select * from `".$lang_prefix."_types_set_ups` where `id`='$default_setup'"); $result3 = mysql_fetch_array($query); $name_setup = $result3['name']; //$nadpis_contentu="

".$result3['name']." [Úprava z katalogu]

"; $nadpis_contentu="

".$result3['name']." vozidla ".$result2['name']." ".$model." ".$result['sign']."

"; $query = mysql_query("select `code_sign`,`power_kw`,`id` from `car_engine` where `id`='{$_GET['motor']}'"); $result3 = mysql_fetch_array($query); $nadpis_contentu .= $imageList; $imageList = ''; $nadpis_contentu.="

".$result3['code_sign']." (".$result3['power_kw']." kW)

"; $vybran_motor=$_GET['motor']; } } else { $nadpis_contentu.="

Zvolte vozidlo...

"; $iquery = mysql_query("select * from `car_manu` ORDER BY name ASC"); $imageList = ''; } else { $iquery = mysql_query("select * from `car_model` where `id_manu` = '{$_GET['manu']}' and `id_parent`='0' order by `sign` asc"); $imageList = '
'; } $vybrano_vozidlo=0; } $title="Katalog úprav "; $drobecky="Katalog"; if(isset($_GET['manu'])) { $title.=$car_manu; if($_GET['model']>0 || $_GET['sub']>0) { $drobecky.=" > ".$car_manu.""; } else { $drobecky.=" > ".$car_manu.""; } if(isset($_GET['model'])) { $title.=" - ".$model; if($_GET['sub']>0 || $_GET['setup']>0) { $drobecky.=" > ".$model.""; } else { $drobecky.=" > ".$model.""; } if($_GET['sub']>0) { $title.=" - ".$result['sign']; if($_GET['motor']>0) { $drobecky.=" > ".$result['sign'].""; } else { $drobecky.=" > ".$result['sign'].""; } } if(isset($_GET['motor'])) { $title.=" [".$name_setup."]"; $query_m = mysql_query("select `code_sign`,`id` from `car_engine` where `id`='{$_GET['motor']}'"); $result_m = mysql_fetch_array($query_m); $drobecky.=" > ".$result_m['code_sign'].""; $drobecky .=" > ".$name_setup; } } } ?> DIESELPOWER race engineering - <? echo $title;?>
'; if(isset($_GET['manu'])) return $href; return ''; } ?> */ ?>
Tato stránka již není aktuální. Aktuální verzi stránek najdete zde.

"; echo GoBack(); //odkaz "zpet" echo $nadpis_contentu; echo $imageList; if($vybrano_vozidlo!=0 && $vybran_motor==0) { // --- vypis motorizaci ---// $queryF = mysql_query("SELECT id, sign FROM fuel_types ORDER BY sign DESC"); $neni_motor = 1; while(@$resultF = mysql_fetch_array($queryF)) { $shown = 0; $query = mysql_query("select `l`.`id_model`,`l`.`id_engine`,`e`.`code_sign`,`e`.`power_kw`,`e`.`id` from `linked_model_engine` `l` left join `car_engine` `e` on `l`.`id_engine`=`e`.`id` where `l`.`id_model`='$vybrano_vozidlo' AND id_fuel = ".$resultF['id']." order by `e`.`code_sign` asc"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)>0) { echo '


'; echo ""; if($neni_motor == 1) { echo $resultF['sign']."

Pro toto vozidlo není v databázi žádná úprava

"; } } } } elseif($vybran_motor!=0) { // --- vypis typu uprav ---// $name_table=$lang_prefix."_setups"; $typy_uprav[]=0; /* odstraneno protoze se zobrazuji motory i kdyz k danemu modelu neni primo uprava, staci kdyz je u daneho motoru $query = mysql_query("select `l`.`id_setup`,`l`.`id_engine`,`m`.`id_setup`,`m`.`id_model`,`s`.`name`,`s`.`short`,`s`.`id`,`s`.`_show`,`s`.`type` from `linked_engine_setup` `l` left join `linked_model_setup` `m` on `l`.`id_setup`=`m`.`id_setup` left join `$name_table` `s` on `l`.`id_setup`=`s`.`id` where `l`.`id_engine`='$vybran_motor' and `m`.`id_model`='$vybrano_vozidlo'and `s`.`_show`='1' order by `s`.`name` asc"); */ $query = mysql_query("select * from `$name_table` where `_show`='1' order by `priority` asc"); while(@$result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $ar_setups2[] = $result['name']." ass ".$result['assign']; if($result['assign'] == 2) { $query3 = mysql_query("select `id_model` from `linked_model_setup` where `id_model`='$vybrano_vozidlo' and `id_setup`='{$result['id']}'"); if(@mysql_num_rows($query3)>0) $ar_setups[] = $result; } else if($result['assign'] == 1) { $query2 = mysql_query("select `id_engine` from `linked_engine_setup` where `id_engine`='$vybran_motor' and `id_setup`='{$result['id']}'"); if(mysql_num_rows($query2)>0) $ar_setups[] = $result; } else { $query2 = mysql_query("select `id_engine` from `linked_engine_setup` where `id_engine`='$vybran_motor' and `id_setup`='{$result['id']}'"); $query3 = mysql_query("select `id_model` from `linked_model_setup` where `id_model`='$vybrano_vozidlo' and `id_setup`='{$result['id']}'"); if(mysql_num_rows($query2)>0 && mysql_num_rows($query3)>0) $ar_setups[] = $result; } } if($_GET['setup'] > 0) $default_setup = $_GET['setup']; else $default_setup = 1; foreach($ar_setups as $val) { //echo "
".$val['name']." ".$val['assign']; $types_count[$val['type']] +=1; $types[] = $val['type']; if($val['type'] == $default_setup) $upravy_v_typu[] = $val; } if(1) { echo ""; } else { echo "

Pro tento motor není v databázi žádná úprava

"; } // --- Vypis uprav daneho typu ---// $name_table=$lang_prefix."_setups"; if($_GET['setup'] > 0) $default_setup = $_GET['setup']; $query = mysql_query("select * from `".$lang_prefix."_types_set_ups` where `id`='$default_setup'"); $result = mysql_fetch_array($query); echo "

Přehled dostupných úprav:

"; /* odstraneno protoze se zobrazuji motory i kdyz k danemu modelu neni primo uprava, staci kdyz je u daneho motoru $query = mysql_query("select `m`.`id_model`, `m`.`id_setup`, `e`.`id_engine`, `e`.`id_setup` from `linked_model_setup` `m` left join `linked_engine_setup` `e` on `m`.`id_setup`=`e`.`id_setup` where `m`.`id_model`='$vybrano_vozidlo' and `e`.`id_engine`='{$_GET['motor']}'"); */ $query = mysql_query("select `e`.`id_engine`, `e`.`id_setup` from `linked_engine_setup` `e` where `e`.`id_engine`='{$_GET['motor']}'"); $odp_upravy[]="-1"; while(@$result2 = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $odp_upravy[]=$result2['id_setup']; } $s_odp_upravy=implode(",",$odp_upravy); echo ""; $query = mysql_query("select * from `car_engine` where `id`='{$_GET['motor']}'"); $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($query); echo "

".$car_manu." ".$car_model." ".$result2['code_sign']."

"; echo "

Technické údaje motoru

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; /* echo "";*/ echo ""; echo ""; echo "
Objem".$result2['volume']." ccm
Výkon".$result2['power_kw']." kW / ".$result2['power_hp']." HP
Točivý moment".$result2['torque_nm']." Nm při ".$result2['torque_rpm']." ot/min
"; $query = mysql_query("select * from `$name_table` where `type`='$default_setup' and `_show`='1' and `id` in ($s_odp_upravy) order by `priority` asc"); foreach($upravy_v_typu as $result) { echo "


"; if($_GET['sub']>0) {$model=$_GET['sub'];} else {$model=$_GET['model'];} //echo "[Odeslat Poptávku]"; echo "
"; //zformatovani zakladniho popisku cenovky $price_text = showPrice($lang_prefix, $result['id'], "kontaktujte-nas.php?manu=".$_GET['manu']."&model=".$model."&motor=".$_GET['motor']."&setup=".$result['id'], $DPH); //echo $price_text; /* ZAKOMENTOVANO OTTO * * if($result['prize'] > 0) { //pokud je cena v tabulce nenulova if($result['prize_from']) $price_text = "Cena od: "; //cena je OD.. else //******************* dodelano jen kvuli FULL/EKONOM /*if($result['actionid'] < 2) { $price_text = "Cena: "; //neni vyhlasena akce } else { $price_text = "Cena (varianta FULL): "; //akce vyhlasena } //******************* konec dodelano jen kvuli FULL/EKONOM $price_text = "Cena: "; //cena je pevná $price_text = $price_text . "" . $result['prize']." Kč (".round($result['prize']*(1+$vat_tax/100))." včetně DPH)"; } else $price_text = "Cena dle konkrétního případu"; //cena v tabulce je nulova if($result['actionid'] < 2) { //neni vyhlasena akce na upravu echo "

"; echo $price_text; //zobrazime cenovku tak jak je zformatovana echo "

"; } else { //je vyhlasena akce na upravu, musime zvolit alternativni popisek $actionid = $result['actionid']; $query_action = mysql_query("select * from `".$lang_prefix."_prod_actions` where `id`='$actionid'"); //$query_action = mysql_query("select * from `" . $lang_prefix . "_prod_actions` where `id`='$result['actionid']'");/ $result_action = mysql_fetch_array($query_action); $action_price = $result_action['action_price']; //akcni cena $action_text = $result_action['text']; //interni text popisu akce $action_image = $result_action['image']; //nazev obrazku akce $action_page_url = $result_action['page_url']; //nazev stranky s popisem akce (umisteno v /prudukty/actions) //echo $action_page_url; //zjisteni, zda-li stranka k akci je funkcni if(file_exists($to_way . $action_page_url)) { $valid_action_page = true; //je funkcni } else { $valid_action_page = false; //neni funkcni } // echo $action_price . " / " . $action_text . " / " . $action_image; //debug /*lze pouzit i toto: if(strtotime($result_action['valid_to']) >= strtotime("-1 day")) { /// if($action_price > 0 && strtotime($result_action['valid_from']) <= strtotime("now") && strtotime($result_action['valid_to'] . ' 23:59:59') >= strtotime("now")) //if($action_price > 0 && strtotime($result_action['valid_from']) <= strtotime("30.4.2010") && strtotime($result_action['valid_to'] . ' 23:59:59') >= strtotime("now")) { //akcni cena je vyssi nez 0 a bude tedy zobrazena echo "

"; //echo $price_text; //zobrazime cenovku tak jak je zformatovana echo $price_text . " (varianta FULL)"; //zobrazime cenovku tak jak je zformatovana *********************** kvuli variante EKONOM/FULL echo "

"; echo "

"; echo "Akční cena jen: " . $action_price . " Kč !!! (" . round($action_price * (1+$vat_tax/100)) . " včetně DPH) "; //zobrazime cenovku tak jak je zformatovana echo "
"; //echo $to_way . "images/actions/" . $result_action['image']; //debug echo "
"; if(file_exists($to_way . "images/actions/" . $result_action['image'])) { //zobrazit obrazek k akci if($valid_action_page) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo "
"; echo "Podmínky akce:
"; echo "Začátek: " . date("j.n.Y", strtotime($result_action['valid_from'])) . "
"; echo "Konec: " . date("j.n.Y", strtotime($result_action['valid_to'])) . " (nebo do odvolání)"; if($valid_action_page) echo "
Informace k akci"; echo "

"; } else { //akcni cena je nulova, bude tedy zobrazena cena standartnim zpusobem a nic dalsiho se ukazovat nebude echo "

"; echo $price_text; //zobrazime cenovku tak jak je zformatovana echo "

"; } } */ if(strlen($result['short'])>0) { echo "


"; } if(strstr($result['txt'],"

")) { echo $result['txt']; } else { echo "


"; } /* Otikova modifikace if(strlen($result['img']) > 1) { //zobrazeni obrazku k uprave if(file_exists($to_way . 'set_ups_img/' . $result['img'])) { $thumbImg = str_replace('.jpg', '_s.jpg', $result['img']); echo '
'; } } */ //Modifikace Risa pro zobrazeni dvou variant grafu, pro zobrazeni hodnot HP, a hodnot kW if(strlen($result['img']) > 1) { //zobrazeni obrazku k uprave //kw verze $ImgBigKW = $result['img'] . '_kw.jpg'; $ImgThumbKW = $result['img'] . '_kw_s.jpg'; $IsKWVersion = file_exists(DIR_LANG_DYNO_PLOTS . $ImgBigKW) & file_exists(DIR_LANG_DYNO_PLOTS . $ImgThumbKW); //existuje obrazek? //hp verze $ImgBigHP = $result['img'] . '_hp.jpg'; $ImgThumbHP = $result['img'] . '_hp_s.jpg'; $IsHPVersion = file_exists(DIR_LANG_DYNO_PLOTS . $ImgBigHP) & file_exists(DIR_LANG_DYNO_PLOTS . $ImgThumbHP); //existuje obrazek? //zobrazeni if($IsKWVersion | $IsHPVersion) { //existuje nektery z obrazku echo '
'; if($IsKWVersion) { echo ' Graf výkonu a kroutícího momentu (kW/Nm)'; } if($IsHPVersion) { echo ' Graf výkonu a kroutícího momentu (kW/Nm)'; } echo '
'; } } } } elseif($_GET['model']>0) { // --- vypis submodelu ---// /*echo "